Reason to try plant-based in 2020
Improve health, Help environment and Love animals
Improve health, Help environment and Love animals
Improve health, Help environment and Love animals
A healthy plant-based diet builds a strong immune system. The essential nutrients provided by plants cannot be replaced with any animal products. Anderson Murray, MD Anderson Health Education Specialist says that “plant-based diet is necessary for our bodies to fight various infections, as plants provide us with the necessary phytonutrients and shield our biological systems against germs and microorganisms.”
Modern farming has a catastrophic effect on our environment. It accelerates high energy consumption, global warming, water pollution and depletion, and loss of habitat conservation. Further, intensively confining animals in one place means large amounts of waste is concentrated and hence toxic to ground water, rivers and streams, and surface plant and animal life.
Animals are sentient beings, like human beings. They can observe and feel pain and happiness just as humans can. Contrary to popular belief, animals farming in India is as intensive and cruel as anywhere else in the world.
Thank you for Pledging to be an Ally of the Animals!
Lets get you started on the journey of protecting animals with our 21 DAY Plant-based diet challenge, check your mailbox for our emails :)